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EOT: Invited Speaker: Edith Gummer
    Tuesday July 17, 2012 10:00am - 10:30am @ Burnham 8th Floor

    Invited Speaker: Edith Gummer, NSF Program Director, Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR)/ Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL)

    Title: Evaluation in the Extreme Setting: Micro and Macro Challenges and Opportunities

    Abstract: This presentation will focus on the challenges and opportunities in evaluation of learning environments that address complex outcomes of computational literacy and effective analysis of large scale data. The challenges include the design and implementation of assessments of these learning outcomes including the intersection of disciplinary knowledge and computational literacy. Gathering information about the effective elements of multifaceted instructional environments requires the efforts of a team of disciplinary and educational researchers. Evaluations need to include both quantitative and qualitative aspects to ascertain not only how effective design and implementation of courses and programs improves student learning, but by whom and under what circumstances. Course instructors and the educational researchers and evaluators with whom they work should consider the opportunities they have link with others who are working in this area to facilitate the use of common instruments and processes so that resources and findings can be shared across the community.


    Type Education Outreach and Training Track

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